Mv Amelia Web

Amelia started working with us on November 30, 2018, in the Environmental Services Department (EVS). Since joining the Maryville team, she has shown a strong spirit of cooperation, hard work, and a positive attitude.  Amelia mentioned that she applied at Maryville many years ago, but it didn’t work out at that time.  She moved on and found a job as an attendance caregiver for a handicapped care organization where she gained the skills to become Maryville’s April Employee of the month. 

We are thankful that Amelia kept Maryville in mind and applied to work for Maryville again. Amelia has many of the excellent qualities of a great employee; she has a great attendance record and is a team player.  Amelia is prompt to offer help and she has a spirit of cooperation. Even in hard times, she has volunteered. Amelia volunteered to be the EVS technician on the COVID Unit last year. Her co-workers say she is an employee that they all can count on. She likes to learn and today she has the ability to do almost every position in our department and cover all units, and she’s a great support in the laundry department, too.

Amelia and her husband have three sons and two daughters and one grandson. Amelia enjoys her afternoons cooking and relaxing  – on some days enjoying a glass of wine and some chocolate!

Amelia states she is grateful she did come back and re-apply as she loves to work at Maryville, and she is planning to stay at Maryville. She enjoys her work and Amelia always has a smile for everyone. 

Thank you, Amelia, for your hard work, dedication, and contagious positive attitude! 

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